Monday, May 18, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Earn money with your website
BidVertiser: Place the BidVertiser text ads on your website and make money online by getting paid for every click.

Google Adsense
Tips:How to Increase you Adsense Revenue with Google
Before serving ads on a web page, check its keyword density.A free and advanced tool finding the most prominet keywords in a page can be found here: Seo Density Analzer'
copy the most important keywords to a text file (web page name)-adsense-keywords.txt
(2) Improve your Keywords: Get keyword suggestion from overture search inventory and from Google adwords sandbox, Get new keywords that can help you ad relevance. Enter the keywords from (web page-name)-adsense-keywords.tex and save the suggestion to (web page-name)-adsense-suggestion.tex
(3)Write a new page every day:
one of the best tips is to add a new page to your web site every day. The more content you have. the more visitors you will get put an Adsense unit on each and every content page of your site. Byt where? You will find more about that from the next Adsense tips.
(4)Choose the right Adsense fromat correctly:
(a) 336*280 large rectangle
(b)300*250 medium rectangle
(c)160*600 wide skyscraper
(5) What to avoid:
(a) Don't click on your own ads
(b)Don't ask others to click on your Google ads
(c) Don't manually change Adsense code
(d) Don't place Google ads on site that include prohibited content(e.g: adult site)
(e) Don't employ cloaking. hidden text or farm links
(f) Don;t use Adsense ads on the same page with similar ads(e.g:Yahoo publisher Network)
If you have special talents, consider freelance work freelancing isn't just for writers. professionals. engineers and even administraive assistants will find opportunities.
many small sites list freelance opportunities. some let you bid on projects for free. for more opportunities.try or Expect to pay $100 or more for an annual membership
Direct sales
If you're good selling. consider direct sales. many companies have programs. and it isn't just Tupperware or Avon. You can sell in person or via the internet
The Direct Selling Association will match companies to your interests. it also offers advice. visit the individual companies' sites for information on their programs.
If teaching is your passion. become an online tutor. You connect with students via online chat. Be prepared to take a rigorous test Teaching experience may be required. Start by visiting or Expect to make $10 per hour.Helpline: